The food of Lebanon is the food of my soul, my people and my heritage. To sit at a Lebanese table, from the simplest to the most elaborate, is to share a feast. The Lebanese love nothing more than to feed their guests and to share what they have with others. Language is never an obstacle when you speak the language of food and in my courses on the food and culture of the Levant the wonderful tale of this magical cuisine is told around a heavily laden, convivial table.
Spoil yourself! Spend a day with me in the comfort of my home kitchen in the southern suburbs of Cape Town. Saturday mornings start with a snack and a cup of coffee before we get busy preparing our lunch together.
My hands-on, interactive classes are designed to give you the confidence to recreate impressive meals at home while enjoying some time away from the daily grind. Come and have some fun in the kitchen with me, a space that reflects who I am and where I feel most at home.
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Wanting to spoil a fellow foodie? A cookery class voucher is the perfect way!
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